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Are You Rejection-Sensitive? Here’s How to Tell(and What to Do About It)

Does the word “Rejection” feel like a tight slap on your face, or is it something that you seem not to forget or accept even when you try really hard to run away.

Though it might seem normal as the word itself may send shivers down many people’s spine. Whether it is in your professional field or in your personal life, rejection is always hard to take for anyone. But if in any case it’s growing on you or most of the time it grows on you then it can be an alarming sign.

In this blog let’s identify some signs and symptoms that may get you the answer of “Are you Rejection-sensitive?” and “what can we do about it?” and some Best hospitals in Patna that are going to help you.

The Reality of Rejection Sensitivity:

Rejection sensitivity may feel like a new word in the market but has existed in society for a long time “undefined”. This is a real phenomena, which affects a significant amount of people who struggle to react and accept the rejection, leading to intense feelings of shame, anxiety and even depression. This sensitivity can result in self harm and in many cases it can lead to unethical actions. This sensitivity can manifest in various ways, from ruminating over past rejections to avoiding situations where rejection is a possibility.

Let’s now proceed to identification of signs and symptoms that you are or might be Rejection Sensitive.

Signs You Might Be Rejection-Sensitive:

Before going into the signs lets create an imaginary or written checkbox for an introspection round:-

  • You take rejection personally: Even minor rejections, like a friend cancelling plans, feel like a personal attack on your character. Or someone’s decision which does not include you feels like a big failure to you.
  • You avoid situations where rejection might occur: This could mean skipping job interviews, avoiding social gatherings, or even hesitating to express your feelings.
  • You replay rejections in your head: You can’t seem to let go of past rejections, reliving the experience and analysing what went wrong.
  • You experience intense negative emotions: Rejection triggers strong feelings of shame, anxiety, and even anger.
  • You have low self-esteem: You doubt your abilities and worth, believing that rejection is confirmation of your inadequacy.
  • You people-please: You go to great lengths to avoid disappointing others, fearing rejection if you don’t meet their expectations.

Understanding the Root Cause:

Rejection sensitivity is not something that people are born with. It can be triggered due to many reasons, these can be:-

  • Childhood experiences: If you were raised in a critical or rejecting environment, you may have developed a heightened sensitivity to negative feedback. Even if you were brought up in an environment where failure or rejection was taken harshly or if you have been punished for the same then you might have grown up to have a mind set that repels rejection and makes you really uncomfortable about it.
  • Attachment styles: People with insecure attachment styles, particularly those who fear abandonment, tend to be more rejection-sensitive. These might be a result of some harsh memory or experience of parting away from someone you were deeply attached with.
  • Low self-esteem: Doubting your own worth makes you more vulnerable to feeling invalidated by rejection. It might also root to your childhood or adolescent memory which has made you believe that you are not enough and you lack self confidence. The pressure to overcome these feelings you might be trying very hard.
  • Personality traits: Neuroticism, a tendency towards negative emotions, can increase sensitivity to rejection.

Breaking Free from Rejection Sensitivity:

If you recognize yourself in these signs, don’t despair. Rejection sensitivity is manageable, and with the right tools and strategies, you can learn to navigate it with greater resilience:

  • Challenge your negative thoughts: When you find yourself ruminating on a rejection, challenge the negative thoughts that come up. Ask yourself if these thoughts are realistic and helpful.
  • Focus on self-compassion: Be kind to yourself instead of indulging in self-blame. Remember, rejection is a normal part of life, and it doesn’t define your worth.
  • Build your self-esteem: Invest in activities that boost your confidence and sense of self-worth. This could involve learning new skills, pursuing hobbies you enjoy, or surrounding yourself with positive people.
  • Develop healthy coping mechanisms: Find healthy ways to manage your emotions when faced with rejection. This could include exercise, relaxation techniques, or journaling.
  • Seek professional help: If you’re struggling to manage rejection sensitivity on your own, consider seeking professional help from a therapist or counsellor.

Remember, rejection sensitivity doesn’t have to control your life. By understanding its triggers, developing coping mechanisms, and practising self-compassion, you can build resilience and navigate rejections with grace and confidence.

Additional Tips:

  • Practice acceptance: Accept that rejection is a part of life and that it doesn’t always reflect your worth. It may be hard in the beginning but you need to understand that rejection is not about your failure but may depend on various other reasons. Always remember “the universe might have better plans for you.”
  • Focus on your strengths: Remind yourself of your positive qualities and accomplishments. Rejection may push you towards negativity but you can always get out by reminding yourself that you have enough good things and strengths and that “no one can take your space”.
  • Celebrate small wins: Don’t wait for grand successes to feel good about yourself. Acknowledge and celebrate your progress, no matter how small. Remember that you have to take small steps to create bigger success.
  • Surround yourself with supportive people: Build a network of friends and family who believe in you and offer encouragement. Positive environment and supportive friends and family can take you out of any negativity without you realising it.
  • Talk to someone: Don’t keep it to yourself, rather talk to someone you trust and who is true and empathetic towards you. If you find it hard trusting someone you know you can always take help from counsellors or therapies. Let’s normalise therapies as it can be really helpful to get a supervised suggestion on something which is hard to figure out by you.

With a little effort and self-compassion, you can overcome rejection sensitivity and live a life filled with fulfilling experiences, even in the face of occasional setbacks. Remember, you are not alone, and you have the strength and resilience to navigate life’s challenges


In conclusion, grappling with rejection sensitivity is a common yet challenging aspect of our emotional landscape. The impact of rejection, whether real or perceived, can be profound, affecting our mental well-being and overall quality of life. It’s essential to recognize the signs of rejection sensitivity, as outlined in this blog, as the first step towards understanding and addressing this phenomenon.

Never be afraid to share your feelings to someone you trust. Moreover , if you find it hard and if you are searching for a Psychiatrist in Patna there are many hospitals like Rajeshwar Hospital, Patna who have experts to listen and find you solutions.

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