Consumption Culture – The good & the bad of Indulgence

If you think of the behaviors that can represent the entire world population, habits related to the culture of consumption must undoubtedly be among the best examples. It is almost like a new world order that has swept the entire globe. Consumption culture includes a materialistic lifestyle that is built around relentless acquiring of various articles and services. Articles generally include clothes, accessories, amenities, furnishings, electronics etc., whereas services may include travel, vacations, sightseeing etc. Others may include shopping apps, food delivery apps, media consumption also. As the world economy improves, consumption naturally increases. It is also a major part of rapidgrowth and innovation in many countries. It creates jobs and opportunities for many young people. But consumption has grown at a rapid unchecked pace and now there are companies and entire business sectors that are built around it. This has impacts that now cannot be ignored.

Our society and culture is based on a value system that is different from the west. We believe in saving money and avoiding indulgences. But the consumption wave has hit our households hard. Our savings percentage as a society has reduced for the first time in the last 5 years. It is common to find people on multiple EMIs and loans but still willing to gather more of them. This financial burden created by increasing debt is making people vulnerable and stressing the common man.

Mental health
The acquisition of new things does provide some bursts of excitement although it’s fleeting and doing it over and over again leads to a need to consume more. This leads to a hamster on the wheel type of situation. Moreover the locus of happiness is shifted to external objects. This shift is accompanied by a feeling of emptiness, jealousy, FOMO and a superficial experience of life. Eventually people report feeling progressively lesser satisfaction levels despite consuming more.

The increase in consumption had caused an environmental catastrophe. There’s mountains of waste, plastics, food, clothes being thrown away. This has put a huge load on the already burdened waste management services. Air quality is worse than ever and so is the sound and
water pollution. This affects all aspects of human health and also the other life forms. Some Solutions Indulgence seems to be making life easy but general satisfaction and fulfillment levels are not keeping up. The sense of purposelessness seems to be increasing despite an infinite number of things to do and experience. We need to be mindful of these life changes. Fortunately, this topic has been explored by various philosophers and writers in the past buts it’s relevance to mental peace is being recognised only nowadays. We attempt to provide a few practical solutions for a more peaceful living.

Simplicity, Minimalism & Frugality
Keeping our desires grounded is the basis of a simple living. From time to time we must evaluate our needs and desires and not let them grow unchecked. We must try to live in a simple manner and try to control lifestyle inflation. A person who is satisfied with what he has is generally happier than those who strive endlessly. Digital minimalism can also be explored where people try to limit their screen time and media consumption and engage more in ‘real world’ experiences.

Financial planning
In our country, financial planning is not given as much importance as just working to increase income. Financial planning can be a great tool for ensuring a sustainable future and a content retirement. It gives a sense of security and mental peace and also reduces unnecessary spending.

Spirituality can be defined as the journey to understand yourself and the relation of the self to the universe. It helps to understand one’s desires, decisions and motivations. Spirituality leads to less consumption and a shift to the internal focus of happiness. It also builds compassion for animals, environment and nature.

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