Brain Fog – Is you Focus all over the place?
Brain Fog – Is you Focus all over the place?
An increasing number of people have been gripped by a bizarre condition & young adults have been particularly prone. The term ‘brain fog’ has been used to describe a collection of symptoms marked by difficulty in thinking clearly. Some have described it as their thinking becoming fuzzy, muddled or sluggish while others report challenges in concentration, memory, recall,
communication and overall performance.
‘Brain Fog’ doesn’t appear in formal medical classification systems and thus has not been accepted as an illness or diagnosis so far. More than half of young adults especially in colleges and work environments have reported suffering from the symptoms sometime during the last
year. The incidents have also been on the rise in the past decade and especially after the COVID 19 epidemic. Individuals report poor cognitive performance hampering work output for days or even weeks at a time. Many observe recovery in a few weeks but others appear to
suffer for months or years at a time.
Causes –
There isn’t a consensus on the exact mechanism but a few hypotheses have been given by
experts and generally agreed upon.
● Inflammations / Allergies – Environmental, Pollen, food allergies
● Infections – Flu, Fever, food related
● Food habits – Junk foods, sweet & carbohydrate rich foods, processed foods
● Lifestyle – Sedentary, obesity, alcohol intake, poor sleep, stress
The bulk of the current research points at inflammatory mechanisms directly or indirectly. Food related inflammations are also on the rise along with the increase of processing. Many individuals who have recovered from the covid 19 related infections have later on suffered from
brain fog for weeks to months making the case for inflammatory and infection related causes stronger. From these insights solutions have been given that have seen good outcomes.
Solutions –
● Get tested for allergies and infections
● Food – Limit sweet foods, decrease processed and increase organic. Increase fruits and
● Limit caffeine intake
● Adequate physical activity with proper hydration
● Intermittent fasting – can limit inflammation in the body and gut
● Minerals & Vitamins supplementations – Iron, Calcium, Magnesium and Potassium.
Vitamins C, B Complex, D etc.
● Investigations – Blood pressure, ECG, diabetes, cholesterol, thyroid status etc.
● Lifestyle modifications – Reduce stress, increase exercise, proper rest and sleep,
● Talk to a therapist in case of psychological or mental health related issues
Besides the above mentioned points, it has to be noted that at times brain fog may be a surface presentation of deep lying issues like mental health, cardiac health or some other chronic illnesses. Do consider a thorough checkup and evaluation in case of moderate or severe
symptoms or if any other risk factors are associated.
Conclusion –
The term ‘brain fog’, a collection of symptoms related to clouding of thinking may not be dangerous but has had a definite impact on young adults. Inflammation, lifestyle and food choices need a rethink. Brain fog has wasted precious time and put forth major challenges in study and work. A worrying fact is that every year the incidence has been increasing. Therefore practical knowledge and appropriate action is necessary.